Mamoru Hosoda directed the 2012 Japanese anime film "Wolf Children". A relationship develops between a werewolf and a young college student, Hana. This story revolves around them. Days passed after they got married and two children, Ame and Yuki, were born. Both of them have the ability to become wolves like their father. It is a very difficult time and during that time her husband dies. When her husband dies, Hana is forced to raise her two children alone, and single parenthood is a major theme that runs throughout the film. Having two children, sometimes human and sometimes wild, she feels the lack of a father very much. Hana successfully fulfills her responsibilities as a mother while facing difficulties. Hana works hard to protect and secure the well-being of her children and live with others. The film portrays the challenges and hardships faced by Hana as a single parent. The film explores conformity as Ame and Yuki try to fit in with their friends and society. Ame a...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantasy book written by J.K. Rowling, originally released in 1997. It continues the story of Harry Potter, who discovers that he is a wizard and joins Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This book is the first in the Harry Potter book series, which has become the most popular and popular book series ever. The story begins with Harry Potter, an orphan living with his cruel aunt and uncle, the Dursleys. On his eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter asking him to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry soon learns that his parents are powerful wizards killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, and that he himself is famous in the wizarding world for surviving the attack. At Hogwarts, Harry meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and together they embark on a perilous journey to stop Voldemort from obtaining the Philosopher's Stone. On the way you have to face difficulties like fierce beasts and curious traps. A...